Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Top 10 Cool Tools for School

Here is my top 10!

 10. Wordle. I feel as if this would be helpful in some classroom settings but not all of them.

9. Smartboards. I feel like smartboards are helpful to a specific classroom like math, english, etc. and only specific students may be able to learn by using one. Not all students are visual learners.

8. Finale. Finale would be useful to certain classrooms. Music being a big one. I do not feel like it would teach students unless they are great at learning music.

7. Classroom Jeapordy. I feel like this is a great way to review before a big test, but not on a daily basis.

6. LeeSummit. I feel like this is only useful for early childhood education classrooms.

5. Prezi. I feel like this is a great way to keep powerpoints that are used in the classroom entertaining.

4. Dr. Math. I feel as if this tool would only be useful for math classes, but it is a great way for students to learn.

3. Wikispaces. I feel like this would be a great tool to use in a classroom setting especially for group projects.

2. Virtual Book. I feel like this is a geat tool to use for the younger classrooms.

1. Wicked. I feel like this educational tool is a great way for hands-on learning.

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